Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Identity in a Changing World


Who am I?
I have struggled with this question of who I am for years. For years my identifying  markers have changed. In the last 10 years nothing about me has been the same every year. So who am I?  I have gone from Miss to Mrs. My last name changed. I have gone from High School to College student to Homemaker. I have been pregnant five consecutive years (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010). My name is often "Mommy". I have moved four times in three years. I have been debt free, to in debt, to debt free but the house. I have been jobless and employed, self employed and retired. I have gone from enmity with God to child of God by faith in Christ. There I am,  that is my resting place in Christ alone.

In the next decade.... am looking forward knowing not what changes will lay ahead. I do know my dearly loved Grandparents are aging and probably will not be with us on earth much longer. I savor every visit with them, every interaction. I love them then the know as life races around me I feel I don't tell them often enough....

We may be blessed with babies that may come or not come...yet I know I will have a teenager in 2020. Life is so fleeting. She is four and time only pass faster. I must remember to savor her. I must remember nothing is as important as giving her the Lord. I have to remember who I am and share.

The Lord has plans for the next 10 years... and if He wills I will see them with him guiding me.

Psalm 119: 111 Your testimonies are my heritage forever,
for they are the joy of my heart.